Today’s movie releases I was stuck with the HARD decision of Mission Impossible, and Steve McQueen’s Shame. Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol tells the story of a bad ass American, saving the world, stopping terrorists, & Tom Cruise (In character of course) gets to run away from explosions.

I decided to profile Steve McQueen’s Shame instead, the movie chose to profile a different kind of explosion– a more subtle one, the landmine which is a man’s life. Shame stars Michael Fassbender as (Brandon) a New Yorker, who is a carefree man who has sex…A LOT. You might think at first “Hey, if he can pull it, why not smash?” but my astute friend. He, just like a like 100% of people who use crack, goes overboard. Things in Brandon’s life become really shaky when his sister Sissy, played by the timid (Carey Mulligan) unexpectedly drops by, and couch surfs for a week. This is the catalyst that starts the chain of events that we watch as Brandon’s life falls apart.

Fassbender churns out a brilliant performance as Brandon, as an movie role, this is definitely one of the most fearless movie roles I’ve seen an actor tackle.

I will warn you though, the movie has excessive nudity, and definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. When Steve McQueen was asked about the abundance of nudity from the actors. He went on record saying.

A movie where a man kills 150 people in a hour is foreign to me. A naked person and sex is apart of life.

It’s that fearless metality that allowed, Mr. McQueen to come out of the lab with a masterpiece.

Steve McQueen

Be sure to rent or buy SHAME on blu-ray or DVD! Released today.